Tesselescence (Garden Apartment Gallery)

Tesselescence (Garden Apartment Gallery)
Grass paint, sod, perennial bird and butterfly friendly seeds_910 x 910cm_2021
“Tesselescence” is a series which combines the concepts of “tessellation” (a two-dimensional pattern with a three-dimensional effect) and “obsolescence,” be it unintentional or planned. “Tesselescence (Garden Apartment Gallery)” uses the tumbling blocks tessellation pattern to create an installation for the Garden Apartment Gallery in three tones: the found overgrown garden (cropped), sod, and bird/butterfly-friendly seeds in open soil. After the winter, these perennial seeds, the grass, and the weeds will work to "rewild" the yard, transitioning the space from the strict geometry of this "anthropo-logical" pattern to a naturalized, ecologically-friendly urban garden. Made possible with generous support from the Canada Council for the Arts and the Hyde Park Arts Center’s Artist Run Chicago Fund. Curated by Edra Soto at The Franklin Outdoor, and Marlene Krygowski of the Garden Apartment Gallery.