Tesselescence (Glicées)

Tesselescence (Zonnebloemen)
Laser print and watercolour on salvaged glicée_2018
Tesselescence (Glicées) is an ongoing series prints and paintings made by applying a responsive custom bitmap of a cube tessellation to prints of paintings, called 'glicées,' which are produced to take the place of fine art in the home. This décor has in some way obsolesced – perhaps it is boring, dated, unwanted, damaged, or designed for quick consumption. In contrast, the cube tessellation (also known as ‘tumbling blocks’ or ‘rhombille’) is 'timeless.' Found in diverse sources ranging from ancient medieval tile and Minimalist sculpture to quilting patterns and contemporary advertising, this pattern betrays a deeply human understanding of volume and efficiency.

Tesselescence (David Garein)
Screenprint and lacquer on salvaged glicée_38” x 28”_2017

Exhibition view: Edging Forward: New Prints 2018/Winter at IPCNY. Selected by Miguel A. Aragón, Natasha Becker, Pepe Coronado, Bernard Lumpkin, Jennifer Melby, and Mark Waskow

Tesselescence (Beach House II)
Oil on salvaged glicée_20” x 16”_2016

Tesselescence (Lemon)
Screenprint and lacquer on salvaged glicée_32” x 39”_2015