Tesselescence (Woven Paintings)

Tesselescence (Woven Paintings) 01
Woven unwanted paintings in oil and latex on canvas (produced by the artist between 2010-2014_127 x 148cm_2019
“Tesselescence” is a series which combines the concepts of “tessellation” (a two-dimensional pattern with a three-dimensional affect) and “obsolescence.” "Tesselescence (Woven Paintings)" was created by cutting up paintings produced during and shortly after the artist’s undergraduate degree (2010-2014) and weaving them into new artworks. These old paintings no longer represented the artist’s practice, but due to their zero-waste studio structure, needed to be repurposed into a new form. After much experimentation and DIY craft research, a weaving method that incorporated the “tumbling blocks” pattern was discovered. Upon first sight, many viewers assume the pattern to be a surface-level intervention. But upon closer look, one sees that the intervention is structural: a literal embodiment of what ethnographer Tim Ingold has referred “architecture as weaving.”